Guru Purnima: Honoring the Wisdom and Guidance of our Mentors

Guru Purnima is a revered Hindu and Buddhist festival that celebrates the importance of spiritual and academic teachers in our lives. Observed on the full moon day (Purnima) of the Hindu month of Ashadha, this auspicious occasion pays tribute to the invaluable role that gurus, or teachers, play in imparting knowledge, wisdom and guidance.

The origins of Guru Purnima can be traced back to ancient India, where the relationship between a teacher and student was seen as sacred. The word “guru” is derived from the Sanskrit words “gu” meaning darkness or ignorance, and “ru” meaning the remover of that darkness. 

Guru / Teachers are revered as a source of enlightenment, someone who helps the student journey from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge. Guru Purnima is therefore a time to express gratitude and honour the gurus, mentors and teachers who have illuminated our path and shaped our lives.

The festival also has deep connections to the life of the Buddha. According to Buddhist scriptures, it was on the full moon day of Ashadha that the Buddha gave his first sermon after attaining enlightenment. This event is known as “Dharma Chakra Pravartana,” or the setting in motion of the Wheel of Dharma.

Guru Purnima is celebrated with great fervor across India, as well as by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains around the world. The day begins with disciples and students visiting their gurus to seek their blessings. Prayers, meditation and spiritual discourses are common practices.

Many people also take this opportunity to express gratitude to all the teachers who have guided them, from childhood educators to academic mentors to spiritual leaders. Small gifts, flowers or sweets are often presented to teachers as a token of appreciation.

In some traditions, students tie a sacred thread around the wrist of their guru as a symbol of their deep respect and commitment to the guru-disciple relationship. Guru Purnima is seen as a time to rededicate oneself to the pursuit of knowledge and to the noble calling of teaching.

At its core, Guru Purnima conveys the timeless message of the transformative power of knowledge, wisdom and mentorship. It reminds us to honor those who have guided us, and to in turn, pay that forward by sharing our own knowledge and experience with others.

In an era where information is so readily available, the festival underscores the continued importance of the human element in the learning process. Gurus, teachers and mentors play a vital role in shaping our intellect, our character and our entire worldview. Their influence extends far beyond the classroom or temple.

By celebrating Guru Purnima, we recognize that the true essence of education lies not just in the acquisition of facts and skills, but in the nurturing of the human spirit. It is a timely reminder that as we grow and progress, we must always remain humble, grateful students – ever eager to learn from those who have walked the path before us.

By: Mr. Rituraj Singh (Security In-Charge – Jaipur)

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